If you need advice on selecting a flow meter for your application
or support with a project for a new
or replacement meter then contact us

We can take care of the technical details for a flow measurement
system and we can produce and review all of the technical 
documentation from concept to specification to acceptance 
and commission acceptance.

We can manage your stakeholders when presenting proposals,
meter testing and acceptance of new or
modified flow measurement systems.

We ensure that we understand your needs and use our wide
range of experience for solutions which are
both novel and cost effective. 



Expertise & Experience

JK Consulting provides expert and independent flow measurement consultancy based on many years’ experience in all types of flow measurement. With a focus on the oil & gas industry (oil, gas, condensate and LNG) and gas distribution networks including biogas.   

We can also provide support for interim management and Metering Technical Authority roles.

We are experienced in all aspects of writing and reviewing technical documents, from concept studies to functional design specifications to all the requisite calculations including uncertainty calculations to operation procedures.

We ensure that we understand your needs and use our wide range of experience for solutions which are  
both novel and cost effective. 

Working with stakeholders

Participated in many commercial agreement negotiations and drafting of technical schedules..

Many years experience of representing buyers, sellers and pipeline operators in pipeline agreements.

We can also provide support for dispute resolution for mis-measurements, non compliance issues and addressing audit findings.

In projects have engaged with industry regulators, operators, vendors, EPC companies and partners to gain agreement to proposed measurement system solutions. Our experience leads to understanding of the different perspectives from working with a wide range of stakeholders

We can manage all of your stakeholders for a flow measurement system whether it is for a new field development or and upgrade to an existing metering system. 

What we can do for you

OIL & LNG cargoes
Audit and validations of cargo loading and unloading (oil and LNG) including vessel measurements, quality measurements and cargo calculations. 

Interim technical management
We can provide resources for metering technical authority role and management of reporting systems

Greenfield projects 
New developments and entry into existing pipelines, from measurement philosophy, commercial agreements FEED to acceptance testing 

Brownfield projects 
Modifications and upgrades to existing metering systems

Measurement Solutions 
Too many options for your metering solution and not sure which to choose. 
We can find a measurement solution which is fit for purpose and technically robust, meeting contractual and regulatory requirements.

We carry out investigations and audits which are evidence based, pragmatic, taking nothing for granted. The audits provide independent insights and findings, leading to quantification of exposure along with proposed remedial actions to close gaps. 

Uncertainty calculations
These calculations and risk/exposure determination (including by difference allocation) are key for acceptance of metering systems by regulators, partners and operators.  Ensuring that existing and new measurement systems are fit for purpose.

Commercial agreements
Commercial support for drafting technical schedules for allocation agreements, investigating measurement discrepancies and determining mis-measurements.
We can also provide support for dispute resolution and resources for interim Management.

The details

Operational Support

 The best flow measurement solution is driven by a number of factors which include the fluid being measured, operating conditions, available space, range of flow rates (turndown), measurement performance requirements, maintenance regime and capital expenditure budgets.  

Often more than one type of metering solution may appear suitable so a pragmatic selection process is required.  The industry is continually under pressure to reduce expenditure and add value.

We understand the financial drivers when evaluating the options and we know what good looks like.  Along with the importance of getting the best performance out of an existing measurement system 

However, the lowest price does not always equate to lowest cost. The cheapest available solution may not be the best fit.  For a little more expenditure you may be able to procure the best available technology with features such as condition based monitoring which can reduce risk and exposure.

Services provided include:- data flow mapping from primary measurements to reporting ensuring correct measurement and analyser data is captured for use in all reporting. Ensuring that correct data is handed-off to interfaces to control systems, data historians and hydrocarbon accounting systems. 

JK Consulting also offers two distinct production loss reporting solutions, one is a standalone vendor and the other is implemented via Energy Components.

Commercial Support

Very few things can be purchased and sold without measurement.
Commercial transactions rely on getting the measurement right

as this is key to protecting your revenue stream.

Provision of experienced support for negotiation, drafting,
review of technical schedules covering:-
Pipeline operating agreements
Joint operating agreements
Allocation agreements
LNG cargo agreements (FOB & DES

JK Consulting can provide risk/exposure assessments which includes updated uncertainties for measurements and allocation processes (including production derived by difference) as required by third parties and regulators.

In addition, scope also covers agreements covering measurement/analysis for both gas distribution network entry points and offtakes.  

If you have discrepancies in the measured or reported figures, then JK Consulting can investigate the issue and assist with measurement/allocation dispute resolution.
Reporting of mis-measurements, discrepancies and mis allocations for third parties to agree findings and proposed solution.


Commercial teams commit resources into negotiating the operational agreements with partners and pipeline operators. When these agreements are in place, the assumption is that the business gets the oil and gas purchased.

The assumption is that all of the issues and exposures are known. However, like an iceberg, there may be hidden underlying issues which have yet to be discovered.

The lack of contract management can lead to loss of revenue due to lack of compliance with the agreements and lack of enforcement.

Operators need to ensure reputation is maintained through independent compliance audits of custody transfer measurements and hydrocarbon accounting.   The audits are carried out versus commercial and regulatory requirements with extensive knowledge of applicable standards and regulatory frameworks. These audits can include validation of oil/gas quality determination and sampling in addition to flow meter performance.

JK Consulting provides assessment of EU ETS reporting and compliance.

Project Support

The experience and expertise from JK Consulting and its associates means we can provide project engineering and management for the whole life cycle and ongoing operational support. JK Consulting provides guidance on the meter selection for challenging applications such as subsea installations, wet gas and multi-phase flow measurement. Recent work on projects includes Phoenix, Platypus and SHARP

JK Consulting provides support for all aspects of brownfield and greenfield projects and provides support from concept development right through to testing/acceptance, commissioning and sign-off by partners, operators and regulators.

JK Consulting can assist with the integration of custody transfer measurements and production reporting systems from field measurements through to allocation system and reporting.

JK Consulting can develop and improve processes for production reporting to third parties such as partners and regulatory authorities. This includes daily reports, allocation reporting, dispensations, deviations and audit action tracking.

JK Consulting can provide expert support for all stages of the flow measurement system life cycle 

Training Courses 

  • The courses can be customised to your requirements
  • Content can cover areas specific to your operational requirements
  • Scope of courses covers all aspects of flow measurement including meter selection, installation and operational requirements
  • Specific applications such as wet gas flow measurement
  • Scope can include meter performance, validation and uncertainty calculations


Focus Group
Meetings in 2022 are scheduled for:-

17th April at Birmingham Macdonald Burlington Hotel
26th June at Altens hotel Aberdeen
5th September at The Cumberland Hotel London
4th December at Altens hotel Aberdeen

Find out more..

Global Flow Measurement Workshop 2024
Next meeting 22 October 2024

22-24 October 2024 at the P&J Live conference centre in Aberdeen.

Find out more..

Do you have any events to add?
Let us know and we will add them here.

Get in touch..

Contact us

Lets Talk

Call us on 44 (0) 7984 582764                        


23 Potters Cross
MK43 9JG
United Kingdom 

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